Hot water requirements for the prestigious Fullerton Hotel were provided by the installation of Hanwest Aqua Systems de-superheaters installed on the main air conditioning chiller units. The hot water is generated at virtually no cost to the hotel. The pay back period for the total installation was approximately 2 years.
To meet the consumable hot water requirements the Carlton Hotel upgrade and extension required 300 kW of water heating capacity. A total of 8 CAMPBELL model ASHP-50 air source heat pump water heaters with a total heating capacity of 400 kW were installed.

Asia Square Towers No 1 & 2 are the tallest buildings in Singapore and the consumable hot water requirements were provided by the installation of CAMPBELL ASHWH series heat pump water heaters.
The new Mt Elizabeth Hospital at Novena required 480 kW of water heating capacity for the consumable hot water and air conditioning reheat. To meet the hot water requirements 12 CAMPBELL Model ASHWH-50CF-TC/SS air source heat pump water heaters were supplied. The cool air produced by the heat pumps was ducted to the fresh air intakes of the main air conditioning air handling units to reduce energy consumption.

HANWEST AQUA SYSTEMS Model ASHWH-50CF-TC/SS heat pump water heaters installed in the Mt Elizabeth Hospital at Novena, Singapore.